Senin, 25 Februari 2008

BANJIR bencana Ulah siapa

Banjir dan asap jadi langganan

Dimusim kemarau kita dapat petaka berupa kekeringan dan kebakaran hutan yang berdampak timbulnya kabut asap . Kabut asap tersebut sangat merugikan masyarakat seoperti terganggunya berbagai aktifitas dan kecelakaan transportasi. Selain itu,kabut asap juga menggangu kesehatan dengan banyaknya penderita penyakit radang pernapasan,infeksi saluran pernapasan akut (ISPA).

Namun,ketika musim kemarau berakhir dan disambut musim hujan petaka baru datang lagi, yaitu banjir dan tanah longsor.Masyarakat menjadi korban dan mengungsi didalam tenda-tenda darurat.Seperti korban banjir bandang di Aceh Tamiang (NAD) dan hampir seluruh wilayah di Sumatera.Dan dikalimantan Selatan,Kabupaten Tabalong, Balangan,Tanah laut hingga Hulu Sungai utara(Amuntai) dilanda banjir . Kini banjir juga menggenangi hampir seluruh ibukota Jakarta.Berbagai kegiatan atau aktifitas jadi terhenti.Jumlah kerugian harta dan benda sudah tidak terhitung lagi jumlahnya.Lalu bagaimana ini bisa terjadi? Adakah musim yang aman?

Apakah langkah kita bersama pemerintah dalam upaya menanggulangi banjir tidak ada? Kiranya untuk menjawab itu ada baiknya kita melihat kembali kebijakan pemerintah di sektor hulu.Yaitu upaya melestarikan hutan yang ada didaerah hulu yang akan berfungsi sebagai daerah resapan air jika terjadi hujan .

Kalau itu yang jadi ukuran maka masih dirasakan kurang ,sebab kerusakan hutan disektor hulu terus terjadi.Contoh banjir kiriman yang dialami Jakarta, lebih diakibatkan rusaknya hutan daerah puncak sebagai akibat dari perambahan hutan untuk pembangunan Hotel dan tempat pemukiman yang kurang memperhatikan dampak lingkungan.Dan kita juga tidak menutup mata ,kalau sebagian dari warga masyarakat juga punya andil dalam hal ini misalnya,dengan membuang sampah kesungai atau parit yang kemudian berakibat tersumbatnya aliran air hingga banjir lebih cepat terjadi.keadaan ini diperparah oleh curah hujan yang memang cukup tinggi.

Melihat kenyataan , bahwa baik di musim hujan ataupun di musim kemarau kita selalu kena petaka,musibah atau apapun namanya kenapa kita tidak menjadi lebih arif dan bijaksana dalam usaha mencegah atau mengantisipasinya?Disetiap musim kita selalu didera petaka tentu ada sesuatu yang salah atau keliru dengan tata kelola (governance) hutan.dalam Bencana pada musim kemarau, kemudian disambut lagi bencana dimusim hujan , seperti seekor keledai yang lepas dari mulut singa tapi disambut lagi oleh mulut buaya.Jika ini terjadi setiap tahun,tentu keledai akan habis dan binasa.Tetapi kita bukan keledai,sebab kita punya langkah antisipasinya namun masih banyak yang belum jalan atau masih jalan ditempat.

Menurut laporan dari badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika beberapa waktu lalu, bahwa hujan yang mengakibatkan banjir banding dan tanah longsor di sebagian besar wilayah sumatera lebih diakibat rusak/gundulnya hutan.Hal tersebut berdasarkan catatan mereka yang menyatakan bahwa curah hujan masih dalam batas normal.Pernyataan ini kemudian diperkuat oleh Wapres Yusuf kalla dan menteri Kehutanan MS. Kaban yang dilansir oleh berbagai media,baik cetak maupun elektronik.

Jika memang jelas sudah kerusakan hutan yang menjadi penyebab,maka ada baiknya kita terus memperbaiki tata kelola hutan yang kelihatan semrawut dan tidak terkendali pembabatannya.Aparat pemerintah mulai dari Presiden mengakui bahwa illegal logging /penebangan liar sangat besar pengaruhnya dalam kerusakan hutan.Kemudian itu Hutan yang semestinya jadi tempat resapan air yang kemudian dengan alami dan teratur mengalirkannya menuju anak-anak sungai hingga kelaut.


Kita perlu juga memperjelas bahwa kerusakan hutan tidak hanya diakibatkan oleh penebangan liar /illegal logging tetapi yang legalpun punya konstribusi seperti pemberian ijin pembabatan hutan untuk industri perkebunan serta untuk pertambangan.Bahkan izin ini sampai merambah kawasan hutan lindung seperti Perpu no 1 tahun 2004.

Seperti kita ketahui dalam jangka pendek pertambangan sangat bermanfaat bagi pendapatan nasional kita.Ia juga menyerap banyak angkatan kerja ,tetapi ia juga membabat hutan untuk kepentingan pertambangannya, sehingga kerusakan hutan juga tak bisa dihindari. Dalam jangka panjang hal tersebut juga membahayakan. Disini perlu perhatian dan kearifan kita semua dalam upaya menanggulangi dampaknya, terutama dengan sangat memperhatikan reklamasi dan reboisasi .Dan yang tak kalah penting didalam menambang mematuhi peraturan –peraturan, misalnya batas kedalaman sehingga tidak melewati batas permukaan laut.

Ini juga pernah disampaikan oleh Shirato Syafei dalam editorialnya di majalah Indonesia Corp.edisi 13 tahun 2004. .

Kerusakan hutan kian tahun terus berkurang secara kwantitas karena pemerintah kelihatannya agak lumayan dalam upaya menanggulangi.Ini disebabkan operasi hutan lestari yang digelar pemerintah.Tetapi yang jelas dan pasti adalah hutan yang dirusak kini hampir tidak ada lagi .

Kita berharap Rencana pemerintah yang akan membentuk badan yang akan mengelola dana 9,7 triliun rupiah Seperti yang diberitakan Metro TV lewat running teks- nya untuk reboisasi berjalan lancar dan tidak menjadi dana untuk orang yang bermental korup .Dengan begitu hutan dapat diperbaiki dan dampak dari kerusakannya seperti banjir dan tanah longsor dapat ditekan seminimal mungkin.

Lepas dari semua itu adalah perlunya penegakan hukum yang sangat kuat dan tegas bagi mereka yang melakukan pembalakan liar ,pembakaran hutan .Dan jangan kita hanya berwacana saja.

Dalam upaya penegakan hukum hendaknya pemerintah tidak terjadi tebang pilih,tetapi tegas dan seperti yang duungkapkan Menteri kehutanan MS kaban,bahwa para perusak hutan itu seperti teroris,sebab mereka tidak peduli jumlah korban atau kerugian yang ditimbulkannya.

Kalau penulis malah menganggap para pelaku kerusakan hutan baik yang ditebang atau dibakar sebagai hama yang perlu dibasmi sampai keakar-akarnya,sebab hama tidak punya rasa kemanusiaan dan kepedulian akan dampak merugikan yang mereka timbulkan. Jadi Untuk membasmi nya tidak perlu menggunakan hati tapi dengan tindakan yang sangat tegas.Yaitu dengan membuat para aparat penegak hukum seperti Predator yang kokoh dan kuat dengan payung hukum yang ia miliki.Dengan demikian kita harapkan para pelaku jadi jera dan hutan tetap lestari,kebakaran hutan dan kabut asap beserta banjir dapat dihindari.

pilkada ajang rebutan kekuasaan

atas nama demokrasi

pilkada/pemilu/pilpres ujung-ujungnya adalah rebutan kekuasan dan jabatan / uang he....ha....

Kamis, 21 Februari 2008



Apa betul ya pak Bersihar itu menghina.kejaksaan spt yg diberitakan !!?
Ia didakwa pasal 207 KUHP tentang pencemaran tertulis terhadap penguasa dan badan umum di indonesia dan pasal 316 yo 310 ayat (1) KUHP,karena telah menghina instansi Kejaksaan Agung.Hal ini membuktikan kebebasan pers memang tidak bebas.Tidak mengherankan jika Indonesia hanya memduduki peringkat ke-100 dalam hal kebebasan pers seperti yang telah dilansir olehkumpulan jurnalis di perancis beberapa waktu lalu.
kenapa merasa dihina?apakah tulisan itu menyebarkan fitnah?sebab tidak didukung fakta..yg valid atau cuma ingin meredam kebebasan pers yg bisa membahayakan org atau lembaga

Terlepas dari itu semua kebebasan pers harus dan terus kita perjuangkan sebab ia menjadi kontrol terhadap pemerintah atau kekuasaan.Tapi kita juga harus hati-hati dalam menulis sebab bila kurang didukung fakta bisa berakibat fitnah atu pencemaran nama baik dll ....

Senin, 18 Februari 2008



Biography of President George W. Bush

George W. Bush is the 43rd President of the United States. He was sworn into office on January 20, 2001, re-elected on November 2, 2004, and sworn in for a second term on January 20, 2005. Prior to his Presidency, President Bush served for 6 years as the 46th Governor of the State of Texas, where he earned a reputation for bipartisanship and as a compassionate conservative who shaped public policy based on the principles of limited government, personal responsibility, strong families, and local control.

President Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, and grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor’s degree in history from Yale University in 1968, and then served as an F-102 fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. President Bush received a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 1975. Following graduation, he moved back to Midland and began a career in the energy business. After working on his father’s successful 1988 Presidential campaign, President Bush assembled the group of partners who purchased the Texas Rangers baseball franchise in 1989. On November 8, 1994, President Bush was elected Governor of Texas. He became the first Governor in Texas history to be elected to consecutive 4-year terms when he was re-elected on November 3, 1998.

Since becoming President of the United States in 2001, President Bush has worked with the Congress to create an ownership society and build a future of security, prosperity, and opportunity for all Americans. He signed into law tax relief that helps workers keep more of their hard-earned money, as well as the most comprehensive education reforms in a generation, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This legislation is ushering in a new era of accountability, flexibility, local control, and more choices for parents, affirming our Nation’s fundamental belief in the promise of every child. President Bush has also worked to improve healthcare and modernize Medicare, providing the first-ever prescription drug benefit for seniors; increase homeownership, especially among minorities; conserve our environment; and increase military strength, pay, and benefits. Because President Bush believes the strength of America lies in the hearts and souls of our citizens, he has supported programs that encourage individuals to help their neighbors in need.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked our Nation. Since then, President Bush has taken unprecedented steps to protect our homeland and create a world free from terror. He is grateful for the service and sacrifice of our brave men and women in uniform and their families. The President is confident that by helping build free and prosperous societies, our Nation and our friends and allies will succeed in making America more secure and the world more peaceful.

President Bush is married to Laura Welch Bush, a former teacher and librarian, and they have twin daughters, Barbara and Jenna. The Bush family also includes two dogs, Barney and Miss Beazley, and a cat, Willie.


Biography of President George W. Bush

George W. Bush is the 43rd President of the United States. He was sworn into office on January 20, 2001, re-elected on November 2, 2004, and sworn in for a second term on January 20, 2005. Prior to his Presidency, President Bush served for 6 years as the 46th Governor of the State of Texas, where he earned a reputation for bipartisanship and as a compassionate conservative who shaped public policy based on the principles of limited government, personal responsibility, strong families, and local control.

President Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, and grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor’s degree in history from Yale University in 1968, and then served as an F-102 fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. President Bush received a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 1975. Following graduation, he moved back to Midland and began a career in the energy business. After working on his father’s successful 1988 Presidential campaign, President Bush assembled the group of partners who purchased the Texas Rangers baseball franchise in 1989. On November 8, 1994, President Bush was elected Governor of Texas. He became the first Governor in Texas history to be elected to consecutive 4-year terms when he was re-elected on November 3, 1998.

Since becoming President of the United States in 2001, President Bush has worked with the Congress to create an ownership society and build a future of security, prosperity, and opportunity for all Americans. He signed into law tax relief that helps workers keep more of their hard-earned money, as well as the most comprehensive education reforms in a generation, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This legislation is ushering in a new era of accountability, flexibility, local control, and more choices for parents, affirming our Nation’s fundamental belief in the promise of every child. President Bush has also worked to improve healthcare and modernize Medicare, providing the first-ever prescription drug benefit for seniors; increase homeownership, especially among minorities; conserve our environment; and increase military strength, pay, and benefits. Because President Bush believes the strength of America lies in the hearts and souls of our citizens, he has supported programs that encourage individuals to help their neighbors in need.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked our Nation. Since then, President Bush has taken unprecedented steps to protect our homeland and create a world free from terror. He is grateful for the service and sacrifice of our brave men and women in uniform and their families. The President is confident that by helping build free and prosperous societies, our Nation and our friends and allies will succeed in making America more secure and the world more peaceful.

President Bush is married to Laura Welch Bush, a former teacher and librarian, and they have twin daughters, Barbara and Jenna. The Bush family also includes two dogs, Barney and Miss Beazley, and a cat, Willie.



Photo of Hillary Rodham Clinton (White House Photo) Hillary Rodham Clinton

During the 1992 presidential campaign, Hillary Rodham Clinton observed, "Our lives are a mixture of different roles. Most of us are doing the best we can to find whatever the right balance is . . . For me, that balance is family, work, and service."

Hillary Diane Rodham, Dorothy and Hugh Rodham's first child, was born on October 26, 1947. Two brothers, Hugh and Tony, soon followed. Hillary's childhood in Park Ridge, Illinois, was happy and disciplined. She loved sports and her church, and was a member of the National Honor Society, and a student leader. Her parents encouraged her to study hard and to pursue any career that interested her.

Related Links

President Bush Biography
Vice President Cheney Biography
Laura Bush Biography
Lynne Cheney Biography
As an undergraduate at Wellesley College, Hillary mixed academic excellence with school government. Speaking at graduation, she said, "The challenge now is to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible."

In 1969, Hillary entered Yale Law School, where she served on the Board of Editors of Yale Law Review and Social Action, interned with children's advocate Marian Wright Edelman, and met Bill Clinton. The President often recalls how they met in the library when she strode up to him and said, "If you're going to keep staring at me, I might as well introduce myself." The two were soon inseparable--partners in moot court, political campaigns, and matters of the heart.

After graduation, Hillary advised the Children's Defense Fund in Cambridge and joined the impeachment inquiry staff advising the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives. After completing those responsibilities, she "followed her heart to Arkansas," where Bill had begun his political career.

They married in 1975. She joined the faculty of the University of Arkansas Law School in 1975 and the Rose Law Firm in 1976. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter appointed her to the board of the Legal Services Corporation, and Bill Clinton became governor of Arkansas. Their daughter, Chelsea, was born in 1980.

Hillary served as Arkansas's First Lady for 12 years, balancing family, law, and public service. She chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee, co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, and served on the boards of the Arkansas Children's Hospital, Legal Services, and the Children's Defense Fund.

As the nation's First Lady, Hillary continued to balance public service with private life. Her active role began in 1993 when the President asked her to chair the Task Force on National Health Care Reform. She continued to be a leading advocate for expanding health insurance coverage, ensuring children are properly immunized, and raising public awareness of health issues. She wrote a weekly newspaper column entitled "Talking It Over," which focused on her experiences as First Lady and her observations of women, children, and families she has met around the world. Her 1996 book It Takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us was a best seller, and she received a Grammy Award for her recording of it.

As First Lady, her public involvement with many activities sometimes led to controversy. Undeterred by critics, Hillary won many admirers for her staunch support for women around the world and her commitment to children's issues.

She was elected United States Senator from New York on November 7, 2000. She is the first First Lady elected to the United States Senate and the first woman elected statewide in New York.



Fidel Castro (Ruz) (1926-)

Cuban revolutionary, prime minister (1959- ), and president (1976- ).

Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926, near Birán, Cuba. One of five children, he showed an interested in history and military matters growing up. Castro studied law in Havana and became involved with a revolutionary group at the university.

In 1953 Castro was imprisoned after an unsuccessful rising against Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. He was later released under an amnesty. He went to Mexico and spent time in the United States to prepare for second attempt to overthrow Batista. Castro returned to Cuba in 1956 by boat with a small band of insurgents. In 1958 he mounted a full-scale attack and Batista fled the country in January 1959.

Castro took power in early 1959. As prime minister he set about far-reaching reforms. Castro ended U.S. economic dominance of the island and stopped the U.S.-supported émigré invasion at the Bay of Pigs (1961). Castro changed Cuba into the first communist nation in the Western Hemisphere and aligned himself with the Soviet Union. The country became reliant on Soviet aid, which caused economic hardship when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

Beginning the late 1990s, the state of Castro's health became a subject of much discussion. While numerous health problems had been reported over the years, the most significant news came on the night of July 31, 2006. A letter from Castro was read on Cuban television announcing that Raul Castro, Fidel's brother, would be the country's leader temporarily. Fidel had surgery for gastrointestinal bleeding. During the recovery period, Raul would serve as Cuba's president. Raul had been Fidel's second in command for many years and had officially been selected as Fidel's successor in 1997. Since his surgery, the public has only seen him in photographs or video footage meeting allies.

Castro has led the country for more than four decades. He has been credited with making some improvements in education and healthcare, but the Cuban people still face food shortages, economic hardship, and little personal freedom. A strict ruler, Castro has been known for quieting anyone who criticizes his government and has imprisoned or killed numerous opponents.

© 2006 A&E Television Networks. All rights reserved.

Minggu, 17 Februari 2008



Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

On 24 June 2005 Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad [mah-MOOD ah-mah-dih-nee-ZHAHD ] was elected as Iran's president. Ahmadinejad swept to the presidential post with a stunning 17,046,441 votes out of a total of 27,536,069 votes cast in the runoff election. His rival and Expediency Council Chairman Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani gained only 9,841,346. A few days before the vote, Rafsanjani said that the race was "very close" but he believed he was "slightly ahead" of Ahmadinejad. When he took office in August 2005, Ahmadinejad became the first non-cleric president to lead Iran in 24 years.

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, political power is vested in the Supreme Guide, a religious personage elected by the Assembly of Experts. The president is the second-highest ranking office and fulfills the roles of head of state and head of the executive branch. Presidential candidates are approved by the Guardian Council and then elected by universal suffrage. According to the Iranian Constitution, adopted in 1979 and amended in 1989, the president nomimates members of the Cabinet or Council of Minister, ambassadors, and governors of the provinces, but the Supreme Guide holds control over foreign policy, the armed forces, nuclear policy, and the main economic policies of the Iranian state. Ayatollah Khamenei took office as Supreme Guide on 4 June 1989.

Ahmadinejad represents a younger generation whose formative experience was the Iran-Iraq War. The Iran-Iraq War began in September 1980 when Iraqi army divisions entered Iran in a three front surprise attack. The war, which lasted 8 years, resulted in an estimated 300,000 Iranian deaths out of a population of about 60 million by the end of the war. A UN Resolution (Security Council Resolution 598) adopted in August 1988 only imposed a ceasefire; no relevant issues were solved. Reports of American involvement with Iraq during the war fueled Iranian anger towards the United States.

During the campaign, Ahmadinejad's backers had portrayed Rafsanjani as the Iranian equivalent of a political hack. The commonly heard sentiment about Ahmadinejad was that he remained a simple man - a backhanded slap at Rafsanjani, who had amassed great personal wealth. Ahmadinejad's populist platform, which included providing a monthly stipend to citizens, won votes from people concerned about economic issues such as unemployment. Ahmadinejad's main campaign advertisement was a film that showed him praying and addressing war veterans in military fatigues.

Ahmadinejad rose from relative political obscurity to go head-to-head with a prominent national figure, former president Rafsanjani. In style and substance, the two men could not be more different. At 70, Rafsanjani was an Islamic cleric, a political veteran, and what might be characterized as moderately progressive (on the Iranian political spectrum). In contrast, Ahmadinejad was 31-years younger, a former Revolutionary Guard, a novice on the national stage, and a hardline conservative much feared by the reformist movement.

Some outside observers had great difficult understanding Ahmadinejad's popularity across the country. They were not able to comprehend his ability to out-poll better-known figures, such as former speaker of parliament Mehdi Karrubi or former national police chief Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf. The other candidates had been nationally visible for years, and had campaigned throughout the country. Ahmadinejad only became nationally visible after he became Tehran's mayor. He did not campaign as extensively as his rivals. Some speculated that electoral interference by the Basij and the Guardians Council was the only explaination of this otherwise inexplicable rise to power. Reports suggested there was evidence of vote rigging by Supreme Guide Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his supporters.

The Basiijs, or Mobilization Resistance Force - a volunteer paramilitary militia under the Revolutionary Guards - was called upon to vote for Ahmadinejad and get others to do so. Reformists charged that the Basij violated prohibitions against military involvement in politics by mobilizing votes for Ahmadinejad. Although the military was supposed to steer clear of politics in Iran, it had always played some role. However, it had never been as prominent as it was during this election.

President Bush stated that presidential elections in Iran were designed to keep power in the hands of rulers who suppress liberty at home and spread terror abroad. According to a US State Department official, the Iranian election fell very, very short of minimum democratic standards.

Ahmadinejad's Biography

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was born in Garmsar, southeast of Tehran on October 28th, 1956. He is the fourth child of an ironworker who had seven children. Mahmoud and his family migrated to Tehran when he was one-year-old. He received his diploma and was admitted to the University of Science and Technology in the field of civil engineering after he ranked 130th in the nationwide university entrance exams in 1975. He was accepted as an MS student at the same university in 1986 and obtained his doctorate in 1987 in the field of engineering and traffic transportation planning.

Following the 1979 Islamic revolution, he became a member the ultra-conservative faction of the Office for Strengthening Unity [OSU] Between Universities and Theological Seminaries. The OSU was established by Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti, one of Khomeini’s key collaborators, to organise Islamist students against the rapidly growing Mojahedin-e Khalq (MeK). It was reported that when the idea of storming the American embassy in Tehran was raised by the OSU, Ahmadinejad suggested storming the Soviet embassy at the same time. Reports from hostages at the American embassy alleged Ahmadinejad was among their captors, but he and other captors have denied the allegations.

With the start of the Iraq war in 1980, Ahmadinejad rushed to the western fronts to fight against the enemy and voluntarily joined the special forces of the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps (IRGC) in 1986. He served in the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps intelligence and security apparatus. Little reliable biographical information is avaliable about Ahmadinejad during these years.

Ahmadinejad was reportedly a senior officer in the Special Brigade of the Revolutionary Guards stationed at Ramazan Garrison near Kermanshah in western Iran. This was the headquarters of the Revolutionary Guards’ "Extra-territorial Operations" -- mounting attacks beyond Iran’s borders. Reports suggested that his work in the Revolutionary Guards was related to suppression of dissidents in Iran and abroad. Sources associated him with atrocities in the notorious Evin prison in Tehran and alleged he personally participated in covert operations around the Iraqi city of Kirkuk.

With the formation of the elite Qods (Jerusalem; literally 'Holy') Force of the IRGC, Ahmadinejad became one of its senior commanders. It was reported that he directed assassinations in the Middle East and Europe, including the assassination of Iranian Kurdish leader Abdorrahman Qassemlou, who was shot dead by senior officers of the Revolutionary Guards in a Vienna flat in July 1989. According to Revolutionary Guard sources, Ahmadinejad was a key planner of the attack. He was also reported to have been involved in planning an attempt on the life of Salman Rushdie.

He served as governor of Maku and Khoy cities in the northwestern West Azarbaijan province for four years in the 1980s and as an advisor to the governor general of the western province of Kurdestan for two years. While serving as the cultural advisor to the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education in 1993, he was appointed governor general of the newly established northwestern province of Ardebil. He was elected as the exemplary governor general for three consecutive years.

In 1997, the newly-installed, moderate Khatami administration removed Ahmadinejad from his post as Ardebil's governor general. Ahmadinejad returned to Elm-o Sanaat University to teach in 1997 and became a member of the scientific board of the Civil Engineering College of the University of Science and Technology. There, he participated in various scientific, cultural, political and social activities. He also worked with Ansar-i Hizbullah (Followers of the Party of God), the violent Islamic vigilante group.

In April 2003 Ahmadinejad was appointed mayor of Tehran by the capital's municipal council, which was dominated by the hard-line Islamic Iran Developers Coalition (Etelaf-i Abadgaran-i Iran-i Islami). In some of Ahmadinejad's public statements, he appeared to identify himself as a Developer.

Ahmadinejad was also a member of the central council of the hard-line Islamic Revolution Devotees' Society (Jamiyat-i Isargaran-i Inqilab-i Islami). The Devotees publicly endorsed another candidate -- Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf -- in 17 June 2005 during the first round of the presidential election. Both the Developers and the Devotees represented the younger generation of Iranians whose political memory, like that of Ahmadinejad, centered around the Revolutionary Guards and the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War.

As Mayor, he reversed many of the policies adopted by previous moderate and reformist mayors, placing serious religious emphasis on the activites of the cultural centers by turning them into prayer halls during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. He closed fast-food restaurants and required male city employees to have beards and wear long sleeves. He instituted the separation of elevators for men and women in the municiple offices. He also suggested the burial of the martyrs of the Iran-Iraq war in Tehran's major city squares.

On 26 April 2005 Ahmadinejad said that, in accord with the decision of the city council, the municipality would install a plaque in memory of the victims of Iraqi chemical warfare. "Major crimes have been perpetrated against the Iranian nation, the youth and the war veterans affected by chemical warfare syndrome. We should support the rights of the victims by installing the plaque of remembrance," Ahmadinejad said. "The big powers possess technology to produce chemical weapons and they used the deadly weapons against Iranian soldiers during the Iraqi-imposed war (1980-1988)."

According to sources, Ahmadinejad projected himself as a simple man and reportedly lived a very Spartan lifestyle in a simple apartment flat with his family. He is married with two sons and one daughter.

Religious Views

Ahmadinejad's personal religious views reflected that of Hojjatieh Shi’ism, a radical interpretation of Shi’ism with messianic and apocalyptic overtones that predict a period of universal chaos before the return of the Mahdi, the 12th Imam, who went into occultation or hiding. The Hojjatieh was created in the 1950s to eliminate the Bahai faith from Iran. In 1983, Hojjatieh Shi'ism was banned by Ayatollah Khomeini but was subsequently revived. Analysts put forth the interpretation that Ahmadinejad preceived his personal role to be the divine harbinger of the Mahdi's coming, to pave "the path for the glorious reappearance of Imam Mahdi." Ahmadinejad denied reports that his cabinet members were ordered to write a pact of loyalty with the 12th Imam and cast the pact into the well of Qom where the Imam is believed to reside. Reaffirming his religious views, Ahmadinejad said:

    "The ultimate promise of all Divine religions will be fulfilled with the emergence of a perfect human being [the 12th Imam], who is heir to all prophets. He will lead the world to justice and absolute peace. Oh mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the emergence of your last repository, the promised one."

Marja-e Taqlid (Object of Emulation)

A zealous representative of Hojjatieh Shi’ism is Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi of the Haqqani School located in the Iranian city of Qom. The Haqqani school is a school of thought known for advocating clerical control over the government and society. Yazdi also serves as the personal marja-e taqlid or 'object of emulation' for Ahmadinejad. In Shi'ism, lay persons are expected to have a marja-e taqlid. Yazdi issued a fatwa, or Holy Order, in support of Ahmadinejad's 2005 election.

Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi was dubbed "Professor Crocodile" in a cartoon by Nikahang Kowsar depicting a crocodile strangling a journalist with its tail. Although Kowsar claimed that no specific person was represented, Yazdi's name rhymes with the Farsi word for crocodile, and Kowsar received a prison sentence.

Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi's extreme conservativism exceeded that of even the Supreme Guide Ayatollah Khamenei. He suggested that anyone with a new interpretation of the Qu'ran should be "socked in the mouth," and promoted the continuation of the death penalty and public flogging. He advocated the isolation of Iran from Western influences, and encouraged the faithful to fight against democracy as a 'misleading' idea. In November 2002 in a pre-sermon speech in Tehran, Yazdi maintained that "the prophets of God did not believe in pluralism. They believed that only one idea was right."

Yazdi headed various clerical institutions, and reportedly earned an income through his involvement in government businesses such as the sugar trade. Reports suggested that Yazid is the clerical patron of the military-security faction. He was accused of granting religious sanctions to death squads and supporting the mission of suicide bombers. On the subject of Martyrdom, Yazdi stated, "when protecting Islam and the Muslim ummah (community of believers) depends on martyrdom operations, it not only is allowed, but even is an obligation (wajib)." In December 2006, he was elected as one of 16 representatives of Tehran to the 68 member Council of Experts.

Campaign Promises

Ahmadinejad was perhaps the most conservative of the seven candidates who were permitted to compete in the presidential race. Ahmadinejad resurrected the fervor of the 1979 Islamic Revolution during the campaign by saying Iran "did not have a revolution in order to have democracy, but to have an Islamic government." The Rafsanjani campaign attempted to characterize Ahmadinejad as an extremist intent on rolling back reform. They called Ahmadinejad a fundamentalist who planned to bring back a Taliban-style of governing to Iran.

Ahmadinejad, a hardline conservative and Revolutionary Guard veteran, mounted a surprisingly strong challenge with a populist message aimed at the economically disadvantaged. He promised to strengthen social safety nets, offer subsidized food and housing for the poor, and institute monthly stipends for citizens. Much of Ahmadinejad's support in the first round of voting came from poorer areas such as South Tehran.

Ahmadinejad appeared to have a serious ideological and moral opposition to Israel, and the secular American culture and society. In a 07 June 2005 interview on state television, Ahmadinejad said Iran was the target of a destructive Western cultural onslaught. He claimed the West intended to undermine the self-confidence of Iranian managers and influence the young. To counter this, he said teachers must have greater access to resources.

During the campaign, in mid-June 2005, Ahmadinejad told a news conference he could not foresee improved ties with any country that "seeks hostility" against Iran, a possible reference to the United States. "The US administration cut off ties unilaterally to lay waste to the Islamic republic," he argued. "They want to restore them today for the same reason."

Ahmadinejad, in comments that drew sharp criticism from the Foreign Ministry, accused Iran's nuclear negotiators on 20 June 2005 of being weak and bowing to European pressure at the negotiation table. According to Ahmadinejad, "those who are handling the talks are terrified, and before they even sit down at the negotiating table they retreat 500 kilometers.... A popular and fundamentalist government will quickly change that."

Rafsanjani had been endorsed by Iran's top nuclear officials. Gholamreza Aghazadeh, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said that Rafsanjani was the only person who could positively present Iran's position, given his influence, moderate views and political clout. Rafsanjani loyalist Hassan Rowhani, Iran's top nuclear negotiator, said Iran needed a powerful and experienced president to successfully handle the issue - an open reference to Rafsanjani.

Ahmadinejad's campaign issued a statement which described Iran's nuclear program as "a flood which cannot be stopped by a match stick ... It's impossible to stop a nation's scientific progress with a bunch of irrelevant words ... We will hold talks from a rational point of view and if they accept our legitimate right we'll cooperate ... The analysts say no country, no matter how powerful they are, can attack Iran. It would be suicidal for a country to attack Iran... so we must not bend to threats." The statement warned that Iran would not accept protracted negotiations and "the kind of games they have played with Palestinians". Ahmadinejad said that Iran's access to nuclear technology is the fruit of the nation's progress, stressing no one can prevent a nation from progressing.

At the same time, during the run-off election in June 2005, Ahmadinejad stated he would continue dialogue with Europe over Iran's nuclear program. "We will continue the current policies of the Islamic Republic. In principle, dialogue with Europe, Asia, and Africa is within the framework of our foreign policy. And of course, in order to defend the rights of our nation, we will continue the [nuclear] dialogue [with Europe]," Ahmadinejad said. Commenting on the country's foreign policy, Ahmadinejad said Iran is interested in friendly ties with all world states and nations. Tehran is ready to cooperate with any government which has no hostile attitude toward the Iranian nation, he said.

Ahmadinejad had complained of "uncontrolled" cultural policies, and accused organised networks of "propogating decadence." Some supporters anticipated that girls would have to wear the proper hijab, access to improper websites would be blocked, West-struck (gharbzadeh) professors would be banned, and satellite receivers would be eliminated.

On 22 June 2005, Ahmadinejad denied rumors that he would force women to wear the head-to-toe Islamic covering called a chador. He said Iran's main problems are unemployment and housing, not what to wear. "Are hairstyles the real problem [of our youth]? They can cut their hair the way they want," Ahmadinejad said. "It's none of our business. We have to take care of the real problems of the country. The government should put order in the economy and create calm."

Expert Expectations

In practice, the control of foreign policy, nuclear policy, and the main economic policies were already within the power of the 'Supreme Guide' Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Sources speculated that from the beginning, Supreme Guide Ayatollah Khamenei had supported Ahmadinejad because he did not want an equal partner or rival as president. The presidency was the last holdout of Iran's reformists, and the victory of Ahmadinejad granted total control of Iran's state institutions to its hard-liners. Khamenei controlled the Parliament, the judiciary, the army, the radio and television, and now the presidency as well. The conservative political establishment made a decision late in the campaign to support Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad, more closely tied to Khamenei than either Rafsanjani or Khatami, was unlikely to challenge the Guardian Council, particularly given the alleged Guardians Council support for his presidential bid.

Ahmadinejad's election strengthened the "theocracy with a democratic face" aspects of the Iranian regime with westernized reformers almost completely marginalized. Ahmadinejad's version of reform called for a focus on Islamic socialism, rejecting both the privileged (and corrupt) Bazaari merchant class and market-oriented westernized technocracy. Expects predicted that Iran might become less willing to do oil and gas deals with foreign companies.

Analysts suggested that the president's background in the Revolutionary Guards and Basiij meant that, once elected, he would support pervasive state control of society and continue the struggle against ideological enemies.

Ahmadinejad said on 18 June 2005 that he was against World Trade Organization membership if it would hurt Iran's economy. Ahmadinejad was not enthusiastic about privatization because it would create unemployment. His win was not expected to be positive for the stock market and the investment community as his rhetoric aggravated investors' worst fears.

Presidental Record

Ahmadinejad and Atomics

In September 2005, in a speech at the UN General Assembly, Ahmadinejad asserted his good faith in supporting the non-proliferation regime and Iran's pursuit of peaceful nuclear technology. At the same time, Ahmadinejad accused the United States of not only proliferating weapons of mass destruction but also a "climate of intimidation and injustice." Despite his peaceful intentions, declared the Iranian president, "if some try to impose their will on the Iranian people... we will reconsider our entire approach to the nuclear issue." In September 2005, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced that Iran was in non-compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and recommended sanctions. Ahmadinejad threatened to continue the enrichment of uranium if the IAEA continued to pursue sanctions against Iran.

Following his 2005 speech before the United Nations, reported that in a conversation with Iranian cleric Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, Ahmadinejad stated that he felt he was surrounded by a ring of light. Reports suggested that a CD containing video of this conversation circulated Iran. In the video, Ahmadinejad reportedly said that an audience member informed him about the light, he felt the light himself, and that for 27-28 minutes, the audience did not blink., a convervative website, and other sources accused Ahmadinejad's opponents of distributing the video to discredit him.

In May 2006, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution that required Iran to terminate all uranium enrichment programs by August 2006. Ahmadinejad continued to resist. In his 20 September 2006 speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Ahmadinejad provided a list of indictments against the United States and accused the Security Council of lacking both legitimacy and effectiveness.

Iran's non-compliance prompted the Security Council pass Resolution 1737 in December 2006 to impose sanctions on nuclear material and technology entering Iran. The sanctions also froze the assets and restricted travel for personnel involved in Iran's nuclear proliferation activities. Iran was given 60 days to come to the negotiating table. Continued Iranian non-compliance brought about a unanimous vote for Security Council Resolution 1747 in March 2007 that added to previous sanctions including an import/export ban on arms and a restriction on all international funds to Iran except development and humanitarian aid.

In response the United Nations sanctions, Ahmadinejad announced to the West, "I want you to know that the Iranian nation has humiliated you many times, and it will humiliate you in the future."

As of June 2007, attempts at negotiations with Iran remained at an impasse.

Political Rhetoric

As president, Ahmadinejad took a more confrontational approach to the United States, to Sunni Arab neighbors, to Afghanistan, and certainly toward Israel. Ahmadinejad's supporters said he "will punch in the mouth" all those who advocate relations with the United States. On 20 January 2006, Ahmadinejad in Damascus described the movement against American hegemony:

    United States and Israel " ... bear no weight in the vastness of the universe. They are furthermore, rootless, although they have exerted their hegemony in certain parts of the world today, and have certain claims.A global front against oppression and hegemony is now taking shape and all noble nations, justice seekers, and thoughtful individuals are gradually putting hand in hand to shape up a vast front agaisnt the hegemonic system and mentality."

On 26 October 2005, Ahmadinejad spoke at a conference in Tehran called "World Without Zionism" where he painted a vision of the epic battle between Islam and the "World of Ignorance," a West led by Israel and the Zionist movement. The Islamic distinction between Dar al-Islam, which means 'Territory of Peace,' and Dar al-Harb, which means 'Territory of War' or 'Chao,' is a political and legal one; Dar al-Islam refers to territory governed by Islamic law and Dar al-Harb to territory that is not. In contrast, the "World of Ignorance" refers to a place untouched by the illumination brought by the Prophet Muhammad.

Following the conference, Ahmadinejad was quoted to have said that Israel should be "wiped off the map." Observers pointed out that Ahmadinejad never said these words. In Farsi, his words were, "Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad." Translated, Ahmadinejad was expressing his support of Imam Khomeini's statement that "this regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history."

Though the accuracy of his exact words as reported by Western media may have been in question, his speech inspired thousands of Iranian to stage an anti-Israel protest on 28 October 2005. The protesters chanted "Death to Israel, death to America" while they trampled and burned Israeli and American flags. International condemnation followed. Ahmadinejad stood by his rhetoric and reportedly responded that the Western nations "are free to talk, but their words have no validity."

On 08 December 2005, Ahmadinejad gave a speech at the summit of Muslim nations to again condemn the existence of Israel. On 13 December 2005, Ahmadinejad aroused immediate condemnation from Israel, Germany, and the European Union when in the Iranian city of Zahedan, he accused the West of inviting the "myth of the Holocaust." Further Ahmadinejad asserted:

    "Some European countries insist on saying that Hitler killed millions of innocent Jews in furnaces. And they insist so strongly on this issue that anyone who denies it is condemned and sent to prison...Although we don't accept this claim, if we suppose it is true, our question for the Euorpeans is: is the killing of innocent Jewish people by Hitler the reason for their support to the occupier of Jerusalem? They faced injustice in Europe so why do the repercussions fall on the Palestinians? will be good if you give a piece of your own soil, a piece of soil in Europe, the United States, Canada, or Alaska to them [Jews] so that they can create a country for themselves."

On the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, Ahmadinejad on 11 February 2006, reportedly expressed these sentiments to demonstrators: "... a handful of Zionists in Palestine" were responsible for the insulting cartoons of Islam’s prophet Mohammad appearing in European dailies. "If you are looking for the real Holocaust, go to Palestine and take a look at the crimes of Israel there, or you can also find the real Holocaust in Iraq," he said. He called on European governments to free themselves from "the yoke of Zionism" and "believe that Zionism is on the verge of destruction ... The Iranian nation is today chanting the death of Israel." The Iranian president called Western leaders said "... a bunch of proxy dictators and sergeant majors of Zionists." He warned them to "pack up the stuff that you unfurled 60 years ago and save yourselves from the wrath of nations ... If you don’t listen to this advice, then the Palestinian people and other nations will force you to submit to their wishes."

On 3 July 2007, it was reported that Ahmadinejad launched an 24-hour English television channel to redress the Western bias of world news.

Letters to America

On 29 November 2006, Ahmadinejad released to UN reporters an open letter to the American people addressed to "Noble Americans" and attacked the US administration's foreign policy against Iraq and Palestine as "illegal and immoral" towards the global community and American citizens alike. Further, Ahmadinejad urged the winners of the 2006 US midterm elections to act with truth and justice rather than coercion and force to "remedy some of the past afflictions and alleviate some of the global resentment and hatred of America." This letter echoed an 18-page letter sent to Mr. Bush in May 2006 to which Bush did not reply.

Reactions from the United States State Department dismissed the letter as a public relations gesture, and emphasized the importance of the Iranian leader's actions rather than his words. Other commentators applauded Ahmadinejad's condemnation of US Foreign Policy as the words of a fair and reasonable man, and that perhaps US rhetoric of his extremism slandered Ahmadinejad unjustly.

A third view, voiced by less mainstream commentators, was that Ahmadinejad's letter served as a da'awah, which means 'summons' or an invitation to non-Muslims to submit to Islam. The da'awah is a Muslim obligation that should be fulfilled before war could be waged justly. Ahmadinejad's letters could have been a fulfillment of this obligation.

Commentators such as Amir Taheri of the Jerusalem Post noted that the tradition of writing letters reached back to the Prophet Muhammad who wrote to regional heads of state to invite them to submit to Islam. Recipients of the Prophet Muhammad's invitations included Khosrow Parviz (Chosroes II) of Persian, Emperor Heraclius of Byzantium, Muqawqis of Egypt, al-Mundhir bin Sawa, and Negus of Ethiopia. According to Islamic tradition, the letter to the Persian king was received and angrily torn up by Khosrow's son who had deposed his father, and the subsequent fall of Persian Empire was attributed to this rejection. It was recorded that all the letters resembled each other (Sahih Bukhari's, Volume 1, Book 1-6):

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. This letter is from Muhammad the slave of Allah and his Apostle to ----.Peace be upon him who follows the right path. Furthermore, I invite you to Islam and if you become a Muslim you will be safe, and Allah will double your reward, and if you reject this invitation of Islam you will be committing a sin by misguiding your subjects. And I recite to you Allah's statement:
      "O People of the Scriptures! Come to a word common to you and us that we worship none but Allah and that we associate nothing in worship with Him, and that none of us shall take others as Lords beside Allah. Then if they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are Muslims (those who have surrendered to Allah). (Qur’an: Surah 3, Ayah 64)."

Ali Ibn Abi-Talib, the fourth Caliph, used letters to fulfill to Islamic duties: tahzir (warning) addressed to Muslims and da'awah (invitation) addressed to non-Muslims. Ali holds a prominent place in Shi'ism as the son-in-law and true heir of the Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad Ibn Hassan, the 12th Imam or 'Hidden Imam' whose return from occultation is prophesized, also used letters to communicate to his followers.

In 1987, Ayatollah Khomeini wrote a letter to Mikhail Gorbachev in response to a letter from Gorbachev to Khomeini seeking a partnership to defeat the Muhjahedin in Afghanistan. Modelled on Muhammad's letters, Khomeini informed Gorbachev that "your main problem is the lack of true belief in God" and invited Gorbachev to submit to Islam. Gorbachev declined. Mr. Taheri and others drew parallels between Ahmadinejad's letters and those of Prophet Muhammad and Ayatollah Khomeini, and maintained that these letters reflected the ideological dichotomy that pervades Ahmadinejad's political mission, a mission that seeks to overturn the international system.

A difference, however, between the Ahmadinejad's letters and those of his predecessors is that rather than a letter inviting America to submit to Islam, Ahmadinejad addressed the political soul of America and asked of Americans, "Is there not a better approach to governance?"

Regional Policies

Ahmadinejad said in an 08 June 2005 interview on state broadcasting that he favored relations with all other countries on the basis of respect. He said relations with immediate neighbors were the most important, followed by countries that were once part of the Persian Empire. Then came Muslim states, and last but not least, states that are not hostile to Iran. Turning to the United Nations, Ahmadinejad said its structure is "one-sided, stacked against the world of Islam."

Ahmadinejad fervently supports the independence of Palestine, and at the Third Annual Qods Conference supporting the rights of the Palestinian people in April 2006, he gave a speech characterizing the Zionist threat to the region and to Islam as "unending and unrestrained." Ahmadinejad's support of Palestine echoed the words of Imam Khomeini on the topic.

Ahmadinejad, speaking in Damascus on 20 January 2006, also reportedly questioned the sincerity of the western countries in their claims to support freedom. He suggested that Western countries open their borders to the Jewish population to demonstrate their sincerity. He wondered if they had allowed the immigrants who have entered Palestine from all over the world to immigrate to Europe or the US, would there be the Zionist problem today:

    "Would you open the doors of your own countries to these immigrants in a way that they could travel to any part of Europe they choose? Would you offer necessary guarantees that you would provide their security when they come to your countries and not set up another anti-semitic wave in Europe?"

The Supreme Guide Ali Khamenei highlighted the importance of the struggle in Palestine:

    "The Palestinian problem is the most important problem of the Muslim world. There is nothing above this problem in the Muslim world because the domination and the occupation of the Palestinian land and that of the Qods [Jerusalem], in this part of the body of the Muslim nation, is the source of many weaknesses and problems in the Muslim world... the struggle began by the Palestinian nation is not a struggle of an army against another army so that we might compare their abilities. The struggle is comprised of the lives of those who are not afraid of death."

Ahmadinejad reached out to neighboring countries with a rhetoric of peace, cooperation and regional security. He used platforms like the 9th Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) summit held in Baku, Azerbaijan on 4 May 2006, and official state visits such as the January 2006 visit to Syria, to reach out to countries like Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Oman, and the UAE.

On 13 June 2007, the US Defense Department linked shipments of weapons received by the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan to Iranian sources. Officials stated it was unlikely that Tehran remained ignorant of the shipments.

Social Policies

Upon entering office, Ahmadinejad removed many "moderates" in the Foreign Ministry and other institutions populated by supporters of outgoing President Khatami, along with a further crackdown on the media and intellectuals.

Domestically, Ahmadinejad's administration cracked down on dissenters with methods ranging from harassment to arrest and interrogations. Crackdowns that started in the spring of 2007 were characterized as the worst in two decades. In April 2007, authorities started a mass confiscation of satellite dishes. Police patrolled the streets to crack down on "bad hejabi" or improper dress among both men and women, and by the end of April 2007, had stopped or detained 150,000 cases. In June 2007, the Supreme National Security Council released to the media a three page list of forbidden topics. Banned topics include disagreements between Shi'ites and Sunnies, ethnic unrest within Iran, and uneasy relations between Iran and other Muslim countries.

It was reported that in March 2007, 30 women's rights advocates were arrested and sentenced to prison terms. Eight students from Tehran's Amir Kabir University reportedly disappeared into Evin Prison. The March 2007 Teacher's Union protest in search of higher wages resulted in hundreds of arrests. Three Iranian-Americans were also detained in Evin Prison: Haleh Esfandiari, Kian Tajbakhsh, and Kali Shakeri. A fourth, Parnez Azima, was barred from leaving the country.

Economic Policies

An open letter from 57 economists to a newspaper in June 2007 criticized Ahmadinejad's economic policies, which, the letter claimed, fueled unsustainable inflation and squandered the country's oil profits. The letter signaled growing discontentment that Ahmadinejad's election promises of oil-fueled prosperity had gone unfulfilled. As of mid-2007, Ahmadinejad's campaign promise of increased social safety nets and monthly stipends remained a promise. As of May 2007, unofficial inflation in Iran was estimated at 20-30% (officially estimated to be 15.8% in 2006) annually while government policies capped interest rates at 12%. Despite being the 4th largest oil producer, Iran must import gasoline as it does not possess the capabilities to refine crude oil. Iran suffers from a balance of payment deficit, and critics accused Ahmadinejad of depleting Iran's foreign reserves on extravagant political projects. Reformist Iranian parliamentarians have opposed him on these issues.

On 22 May 2006, the government raised the price of gasoline by 25% from its previous government subsidized low of 1000 rials (11 US cents) per liter. On 27 June 2007, violence erupted in 9 areas of Tehran as angry youths protested news that the government had imposed fuel rations overnight. The rations were effective immediately. The rations placed a restriction of 100 liters per month for each private vehicle for a period of 4 months with a possible extension to 6 months. Sources reported that the angry youths destroyed property and called for the death of Ahmadinejad. 19 Tehran gas stations were reportedly affected in the riots, and more than 80 were detained in relation to the incident. It was reported that the fuel rations were imposed in response to US statements that Iran's gasoline import was an issue of 'leverage.'




Profile: Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez
Mr Chavez has seen off mass protests and a coup attempt

Hugo Chavez, who came to power in 1998, has been the subject of adulation and loathing both at home and abroad ever since.

Venezuelans are split between a majority who says he speaks for the poor, and those who say he has become increasingly autocratic.

The former army paratrooper - who first came to prominence as a leader of a failed coup in 1992 - has proved unable to bridge the huge gap between the country's rich and poor.

And his combative rhetoric has alienated and alarmed the country's traditional political elite, as well as several foreign governments.

The opposition has been trying to unseat the president by constitutional means since 2002, when Mr Chavez was briefly toppled in a short-lived coup. In 2004 the opposition managed to secure a referendum on his leadership.

Born 28 July 1954 in Sabaneta, State of Barinas, the son of schoolteachers
Graduated from Military Academy in 1975
Has five children; three girls and two boys
Keen baseball player
But the vote only served to strengthen Mr Chavez. He won by a large majority and went on to win the 2006 presidential elections.

Under the current Venezuelan constitution, Mr Chavez will have to stand down when his term expires at the end of 2012.

On 2 December he lost a national referendum aimed at getting approval for a series of constitutional changes which included abolishing presidential term limits and ending the autonomy of the Central Bank.

There were also proposals to expand presidential powers during natural disasters or political "emergencies".

Mr Chavez said the proposed changes would return power to the people, but critics accused him of a power grab.

From coup-leader to president

The ex-paratrooper's political career has more than eventful.

In February 1992 he led a doomed attempt to overthrow the government of President Carlos Andres Perez amid growing anger at economic austerity measures.

Hugo Chavez
Venezuela's leader has promised to deepen his "revolution"
The foundations for that failed coup had been laid a decade earlier, when Mr Chavez and a group of fellow military officers founded a secret movement named after the South American independence leader, Simon Bolivar.

The 1992 revolt by members of the Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement claimed 18 lives and left 60 injured before Mr Chavez gave himself up.

He was languishing in a military jail when his associates tried again to seize power nine months later.

That second coup attempt, in November 1992, was crushed as well.

Mr Chavez spent two years in prison before being granted a pardon. He then relaunched his party as the Movement of the Fifth Republic and made the transition from soldier to politician.

Church attacked

By the time Mr Chavez was swept into power in 1998 elections, the old Venezuelan order was falling apart.

Unlike most of its neighbours, the country had enjoyed an unbroken period of democratic government since 1958.

But the two main parties that had alternated in power stood accused of presiding over a corrupt system and squandering the country's vast oil wealth.

Mr Chavez promised "revolutionary" social policies, and constantly abused the "predatory oligarchs" of the establishment as corrupt servants of international capital.

Huge Chavez (left) and Fidel Castro
Mr Chavez has been friends for years with Cuban leader Fidel Castro
Never missing an opportunity to address the nation, he once described oil executives as living in "luxury chalets where they perform orgies, drinking whisky".

Church leaders in this overwhelmingly Roman Catholic country fared no better.

"They do not walk in... the path of Christ," said Mr Chavez at one stage.

Whenever the media reported discontent with his rule, he generally accused it of being in the pay of reactionaries.

He courted controversy in foreign policy, too, making high-profile visits to Cuba and Iraq, while allegedly flirting with leftist rebels in Colombia and making a huge territorial claim on Guyana.

Devil comment

Relations with Washington reached a new low when he accused it of "fighting terror with terror" during the war in Afghanistan after 11 September.

The situation hardly improved when Mr Chavez accused the US of being behind the failed coup to oust him in 2002.

The country's vast oil reserves - the largest in the Americas - have given it a strategic importance, but the US state department denies trying to overthrow the president.

King Juan Carlos
Spain's King Juan Carlos told Mr Chavez to 'shut up'
Mr Chavez's government has implemented a number of "missions" or social programmes, including education and health services for all. But chronic poverty and unemployment are still widespread, despite the country's oil wealth.

Mr Chavez is renowned for his flamboyant public speaking style, which he puts to use in his weekly live TV programme, Alo Presidente (Hello President), in which he talks about his political ideas, interviews guests and sings and dances.

It was during one Mr Chavez' shows - in February 2007 - that Cuban leader Fidel Castro, a long-time friend and ally, made his first live broadcast since passing power to his brother Raul in July 2006 due to ill health.

However, Mr Chavez' outspokenness has also sparked immense controversy.

In September 2006, Mr Chavez delivered a speech to the United Nations General Assembly in which referred to US President George W Bush as "the devil".

The speech was met with applause in the UN, but was roundly condemned by US politicians and pundits.

In November 2007 Mr Chavez fell out with Spain after a run in with King Juan Carlos during the final session of Ibero-American summit in Santiago.

The king asked Mr Chavez to "shut up" after the Venezuelan leader repeatedly interrupted the Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.






Full Name: Barack Hussein Obama Jr.
Party: Democratic
Political Office: U.S. Senator from Illinois, elected 2004; member, Illinois State Senate 1997-2004
Business/Professional Experience: Attorney, law firm of Miner Barnhill & Galland (Chicago, IL), 1993-2004
Date of Birth: August 4, 1961
Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii
Home: Chicago, Ill.
Education: B.A. Columbia University 1983; J.D. Harvard Law, 1991
Spouse: married Michelle Robinson, 1992
Children: daughter Malia, born 1999; daughter Natasha, born 2001
Religion: United Church of Christ
Home: Chicago, Ill.
Campaign Web Site:

Is (His) Biography (Our) Destiny?
Is (His) Biography (Our) Destiny?

Barack Obama says his experience gives him a guide to making a “post-post-9/11” foreign policy. Whether Americans will relinquish their fear is another question.


By Barack Obama: The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream [2006]; Dreams from my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance [1995]

About: Hopes and Dreams: The Story of Barack Obama, by Steve Dougherty [2007]

The Caucus: Posts on Barack Obama

Information From

Highlights From the Archives

If Elected...
Closing Income Gap Tops Obama’s Agenda for Economic Change
Closing Income Gap Tops Obama’s Agenda for Economic Change

Senator Barack Obama said Friday that the top priority of the next president should be to create a more lasting and equitable prosperity than achieved by either President Bush or even Bill Clinton.

February 2, 2008U.S.Series
Kennedy Chooses Obama, Spurning Plea by Clintons
Kennedy Chooses Obama, Spurning Plea by Clintons

Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s endorsement pits members of the nation’s most prominent Democratic families against each other.

January 28, 2008U.S.News
If Elected ...
Obama Envisions New Iran Approach
Obama Envisions New Iran Approach

In an interview, Senator Barack Obama said that forging a new relationship with Iran would be part of his effort to stabilize Iraq.

November 2, 2007U.S.Series
Obama Promises a Forceful Stand Against Clinton
Obama Promises a Forceful Stand Against Clinton

Senator Barack Obama said he would start confronting Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton more forcefully, in response to concerns about his lack of assertiveness.

October 28, 2007U.S.News
One Place Where Obama Goes Elbow to Elbow
One Place Where Obama Goes Elbow to Elbow

Senator Barack Obama is a wily player of pickup basketball, a game with unspoken rules and lots of elbows.

June 1, 2007U.S.News
A Candidate, His Minister and the Search for Faith
A Candidate, His Minister and the Search for Faith

Barack Obama’s campaign has put a strain on the close relationship he forged over 20 years with his pastor.

April 30, 2007U.S.News
2 Years After Big Speech, a Lower Key for Obama
2 Years After Big Speech, a Lower Key for Obama

The senator is not presenting himself, stylistically at least, the way he did when he gripped Democrats in 2004.

April 8, 2007U.S.News
Charisma and a Search for Self in Obama’s Hawaii Childhood
Charisma and a Search for Self in Obama’s Hawaii Childhood

The presidential candidate’s racial consciousness and political curiosity appear to have begun far from Illinois.

March 17, 2007U.S.News
In Law School, Obama Found Political Voice
In Law School, Obama Found Political Voice

Barack Obama arrived at Harvard as an unknown; by the time he left, he had become a political sensation.

January 28, 2007U.S.News
National Desk
As Quickly as Overnight, a Democratic Star Is Born

In his quest for the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate, Barack Obama was, by many measures, supposed to lose.


Milestones: Barack Obama

An interactive timeline of Barack Obama’s life and career.

The Long Run

The Lives and Careers of the 2008 Presidential Contenders

Finding His Way
Old Friends Say Drugs Played Bit Part in Obama’s Young Life

Old Friends Say Drugs Played Bit Part in Obama’s Young Life

Barack Obama has admitted to using illegal drugs as a teenager, but others remember him as a model of moderation.

Obama and Race
A Biracial Candidate Walks His Own Fine Line

A Biracial Candidate Walks His Own Fine Line

Barack Obama’s postracial style is the reason for much of his political success, but it also has its pitfalls.

Obama in New York
Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say

Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say

Some say that Barack Obama has taken some literary license in portraying the time he spent in Manhattan.

Lessons Learned
In 2000, a Streetwise Veteran Schooled a Bold Young Obama

In 2000, a Streetwise Veteran Schooled a Bold Young Obama

Class emerged as a subtext during Barack Obama’s failed attempt to unseat an incumbent congressman on the South Side of Chicago.

Early Experience
In Illinois, Obama Proved Pragmatic and Shrewd

In Illinois, Obama Proved Pragmatic and Shrewd

In the Illinois State Senate, Barack Obama brought an eye for opportunity and a willingness to compromise.

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The Money Race
The Money Race

Search Barack Obama's reports by donor name, employer, and ZIP code, and see where his largest contributors are based.

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The Long Run

The Lives and Careers of the 2008 Presidential Contenders

Finding His Way
Old Friends Say Drugs Played Bit Part in Obama’s Young Life

Old Friends Say Drugs Played Bit Part in Obama’s Young Life

Barack Obama has admitted to using illegal drugs as a teenager, but others remember him as a model of moderation.

Obama and Race
A Biracial Candidate Walks His Own Fine Line

A Biracial Candidate Walks His Own Fine Line

Barack Obama’s postracial style is the reason for much of his political success, but it also has its pitfalls.

Obama in New York
Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say

Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say

Some say that Barack Obama has taken some literary license in portraying the time he spent in Manhattan.

Lessons Learned
In 2000, a Streetwise Veteran Schooled a Bold Young Obama

In 2000, a Streetwise Veteran Schooled a Bold Young Obama

Class emerged as a subtext during Barack Obama’s failed attempt to unseat an incumbent congressman on the South Side of Chicago.

Early Experience
In Illinois, Obama Proved Pragmatic and Shrewd

In Illinois, Obama Proved Pragmatic and Shrewd

In the Illinois State Senate, Barack Obama brought an eye for opportunity and a willingness to compromise.

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The Money Race
The Money Race

Search Barack Obama's reports by donor name, employer, and ZIP code, and see where his largest contributors are based.

Go to Donor Search
Proxy War in Iowa

The same day Oprah Winfrey made her political debut on behalf of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton invited her daughter Chelsea to campaign with her.

Obama in Iowa
Barack Obama on the campaign


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Is Satire in a Slump? ‘Yes’ and ‘No’

With the race for president in full swing, another race among political parodists has begun to gain momentum.

February 16, 2008
The Mittification of McCain

John McCain’s inconsistency is actually nothing new. We saw a lot of it during the Bush tax debates.

February 16, 2008
Unofficial Tallies in City Understated Obama Vote